Stem cells are undifferentiated cells found throughout the body. The cell from which other cells spring forth contain the entire genetic code of the person (the genetic code is the biological software that produces and defines each cell type in the body). After the body has been developed, among the trillions of cells in the body remains a population of quiescent stem cells waiting to be called into action to help in the repairs of damaged tissue. The stem cells are nature’s repair kit. They wait readily to repair tissues whenever the need arise is documented that stem cells can be used in the management and treatment of more than 130 diseases. These include , kidney failure, liver diseases, dysfunction of the pancreas, vision impairment, glaucoma, cancer, down syndrome, stroke, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, brain trauma, problems with the musculoskeletal system, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, wound healing, enlargement of the prostate, cardiovascular diseases etc 0503289423, 0208323332